Mental Health Association in Fulton & Montgomery Counties
Serving the Needs of Our Communities

The Mental Health Association in Fulton & Montgomery Counties is dedicated to being a progressive, collaborative organization that promotes wellness and recovery from mental illness and chemical dependency across the life span through high quality, effective programs, services, and education.

  HomePrograms & Services

A road to quality care and service for all.

Our Vision...
will be the leading community resource for individuals with mental illness in the focus areas of residential, peer support, advocacy and education. The agency will offer community support to children and adults providing them with a safe, supportive foundation towards building independence and promoting recovery across all situations.

Our Values...

  1. We will hold ourselves accountable to our consumers, community and employees, by our commitments, providing services and striving for the highest quality.

  2. MHA will provide an environment in which good mental health and recovery is nurtured and where mental ill health and addictions are managed well, so individuals may recover and live their lives on their own terms in the community.

  3. MHA is committed to working together to eliminate the stigma attached to mental illness through empathetic programs and education.

  4. MHA will provide all people suffering from mental health symptoms and/or addictions the opportunity for recovery without prejudice and discrimination.

  5. MHA will be a recognized leader in the provision of care and services for people diagnosed with mental illness and/or chemical dependency for children participating in its after school programs/daycare center.


Our offices in
Johnstown and Amsterdam
are currently open from
8 am to 4 pm, Monday – Friday.

Mental Health Association in Fulton and Montgomery Counties

Fonda-Fultonville Elementary - Download Application Here

Warren Street Elementary After School Program - Download Application Here
Pleasant Avenue Elementary After School Program - Download Application Here
Knox Middle School After School Program - Download Application Here

GESD Elementary AM Program - Download Application Here
Kingsborough Elementary After School Program - Download Application Here
Park Terrace Elementary After School Program - Download Application Here
Boulevard Elementary After School Program - Download Application Here

To the Boulevard After School Parents: If you have another child(ren) in the Kingsborough or Park Terrace After School Program, the school district is NOT providing a shuttle bus at 5:00pm this year. Please make different arrangements.




988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Hours: Available 24 hours.

Mental Health Association Compliance

Review an overview of the Corporate Compliance Program at MHA. To receive a full copy of the MHA Compliance Plan, including the Code of Conduct, contact the MHA Compliance Officer at (518)762-5332.
Download Compliance Overview

Covid-19 Emotional Support Hotline 1-844-863-9314 

Covid-19 Warm Line 1-518-725-4310 Ext 333 

MHA is always accepting Employment Applications.
Our application can be found here on our website

Currently MHA has the following Job Openings...

*Resident Counselor –
part time positions available in our
Residential Programs in Montgomery County

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about these available positions, please contact our HR Director,
Lynn Wendell at 762-5332 ext. 112.

Home | Programs & Services | Donate Now | Human Services Directory
Employment Application | Newsletter | Privacy Practice Notice | Corporate Compliance Program

Mental Health Association in Fulton & Montgomery Counties
Janine Dykeman, Executive Director
307-309 Meadow Street
Johnstown, NY 12095
Phone: (518) 762-5332
Fax: (518) 762-6823

© Mental Health Association in Fulton & Montgomery Counties. All rights reserved.United Way
This web site was developed by Empire Web Pages.

Promoting Mental Health